Winter 2021-2022

: February 9, 2022 : Cara Buzzell : 0

What We’re Excited About: Expanding STEAM Education at Park

I often experience that sensation where the more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn. – Liz Perry, Art Teacher Possibilities. Collaboration. Discovery. Hands-on learning. These are what fuel the acronym that’s buzzing at Park: STEAM. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. STEAM represents the evolution of the concept of STEM education (that is, STEAM without Art), which recognizes that integrating the arts into…

: February 8, 2022 : Cara Buzzell : 0

SPARK Co-chair Corner: Winter 2022

Welcome to the first edition of our campaign newsletter, Park SPARK! Throughout The SPARK Campaign, this newsletter will fuel community connection. It will: share the latest news and progress updates related to construction and fundraising.  connect the community through storytelling. (In this edition, for example, you will hear from some of Park’s incredible faculty in science, art, making, and math about the transformative impact of the forthcoming Maker Wing and…

: February 7, 2022 : Cara Buzzell : 0

STEAM Makes Thinking Visible

“Having multipurpose spaces where students can engage in work where others can see the changes and adaptations over time allows students a view into the making/design process. The perspective gained can be very inspiring to students as it makes thinking visible—and shares that thinking across the community.” —Folashadé Solomon Shadé Solomon believes that STEM and STEAM education challenge students to embrace interdisciplinary thinking which helps to address the complexities of…

: February 6, 2022 : administrator : 0

Be A Spark: Jamie and Ashley Harmon

Jamie and Ashley Harmon P’25, ’28 with Head of School Scott Young, donning sparkles, at the October 2021 event launching The SPARK Campaign. With respective professional backgrounds rooted in math and the arts, Park parents Jamie and Ashley Harmon know firsthand the power of STEAM education. Inspired by Park’s vision for a new Lower Division STEAM Corridor, they stepped forward in the spring of 2021 with a trailblazing investment. Jamie…