
: July 30, 2022 : Suzy Akin : 0

SPARK Co-chair Corner: Summer 2022

Summer is sometimes imagined to be a sleepy time at schools. As a school leader, I can tell you that is not the case. Some of my most productive and impactful work happens in the summer, and I know Park approaches the summer with a similar mindset. Of course there is time for rest and relaxation… and professional development, summer programs, team retreats, curricular review, implementation of new systems, and…

: April 6, 2022 : Kate Lapine : 0

SPARK Co-chair Corner: Spring 2022

SPARK Campaign Co-chairs Pete and Julia Lloyd Johannsen ’93 and family In our house, the energy shifts following Spring Break. We feel a renewed sense of optimism, positivity, and fun as the final months of the school year quickly unfold. We look forward to May Day, SpringFest, Alumni Reunion, and the other traditions that bring Parkies together in community. This year, we are particularly excited for this special time for…

: February 8, 2022 : Cara Buzzell : 0

SPARK Co-chair Corner: Winter 2022

Welcome to the first edition of our campaign newsletter, Park SPARK! Throughout The SPARK Campaign, this newsletter will fuel community connection. It will: share the latest news and progress updates related to construction and fundraising.  connect the community through storytelling. (In this edition, for example, you will hear from some of Park’s incredible faculty in science, art, making, and math about the transformative impact of the forthcoming Maker Wing and…